If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

Booga Bag Revisited

Today I decided to pick up a project that has been on the verge of completion for the last several months. While I absolutely adore the Booga Bag pattern, I'm not too crazy about the Noro Kureyon #150 that I chose for my second attempt. This just goes to show that you can't really pick a color yarn based on images that you find online. Had I seen this color in a store I never would have bought it -- too much gray for my taste. At any rate, it is what it is.
Finishing the project took next to no time. All I really had to do was weave in the ends and finish the I-cord, but this seemed like back-breaking work a couple of months ago. I am nothing if not lazy. Next step in the process: felting.