If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

Branded a Bandwidth Bandit

It has recently been brought to my attention that I have inadvertently been stealing bandwidth from various sites. Yikes! I had no idea that this would be such a big deal, but it got me booted out of a queue to join a knitting ring. Most of the photo/button links were temporary solutions until I could figure out how to get images into my blogger.com sidebar -- things do get a little tricky when you don't have your own server. In any event, I think I've managed to rectify the situation, but who knows what other rules I've broken in the process.

In knitting news, the front panel of the Marakesh Shoulder Bag is complete and looks quite lovely.

Okay, the picture is a little on the lousy side. I had to take it using my camera phone because I haven't had a chance to reinstall the digital camera software since my hard drive crashed -- that's a long and painful story that we won't go into right now. Hopefully, the closeup will reveal the intricacy of the pattern. It was a little hard working the pattern at the outset, but I got used to it pretty quickly. I am a little sorry that the front panel is done, though. The back panel of the bag is worked in stockinette stitch. After the challenge of the front panel, the back panel will be positively dull.