If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

Good Eats

Salmon en Papillote--so pretty!
The husband has been doing Weight Watchers for a couple of weeks, so I've really cut back on a lot of my cooking. It's just way too difficult to try to work within his points range, especially since he usually eats/drinks something during the day that throws him off track. Plus, it's summer and I don't necessarily want to be cooking with a hot oven when the entire state is under a heat advisory. I was determined to do something, however. I was flipping through the recipe book that I bought at my friend's Pampered Chef party a few weeks ago, and came across this recipe for Salmon en Papillote (salmon cooked in parchment paper).

The recipe is very straightforward: Cook 2/3 cup of orzo pasta according to the directions on the box. Drain. Mix in 2 plum tomatoes (diced and seeded) and 1/4 cup of scallions; you can also add black olives, but I chose not to. Add some lemon zest, a tablespoon of basil pesto (I used store bought), and salt and pepper to taste. Spoon 3/4 of mixture onto right side of folded piece of parchment paper. Top with 4-6oz salmon fillet (skinned and rinsed). Top salmon with thin layer of basil pesto. Fold left side of parchment paper over salmon; fold and crimp sides to create a packet. Place packets on a baking sheet and place in a pre-heated 425 degree oven for 13-15 minutes, or until salmon is flaky. Remove from oven. Cut an 'X' in the middle of the packet, fold back the points, et voila! Serve with a side of vegetables, or anything else that you think works.

The flavors of this dish are fantastic. The basil pesto and lemon zest do a lot to enhance the taste of the salmon and the orzo. The tomatoes and the scallions also add color and texture. I guess the real attraction, though, is that this gourmet-style meal takes next to no time to prepare/cook, making it perfect for people with busy lifestyles.

And what was hubby's reaction? Well, he loved it, but he got hit hard with the points. Apparently Weight Watchers can't differentiate between good fat and bad fat -- go figure. Diet or no diet, this is a dish that I plan on keeping in my repertoire.