If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

New York, New York...It's a Wonderful Town

Just because I'm away from SH headquarters doesn't mean I'm going to neglect my weekly post. After all, I've been on a roll with my posts since early November and it seems silly to stop now. Anyone taking bets on how long it will take me to get distracted and forget to post to the blog for say...oh...another two years? Well, you're stuck with me until the next all-consuming project comes along, so read on.

So, I'm here in NYC for the weekend and loving every minute of it. NYC is my hometown and I will always consider myself a New Yorker no matter where I go. I love the pulse and energy of the city. I love that I can walk out of the door and be in the center of everything. I love having a good mass transit system at my disposal -- seriously, it's non-existant in Central Maryland. Most of all, though, I love New York during the Christmas season because the city always looks at its best with all the Christmas lights and decorations. Here are some pictures I snapped today:

Gingerbread Houses on display in the lobby of Le Parker Meridien Hotel.  For $1 you can vote for your favorite with all proceeds going to City Harvest.

In knitting news, I'm a good way through the portion of the leg on the first Little Pumpkins sock. The pattern calls for four repeats of the pumpkin chart, but I may only end up doing three -- the leg already measures six inches. I may also do a SRH (short-row heel) instead of the heel flap for no good reason other than I'm too lazy to pick up the stitches on the gusset. The SRH worked out well on the Nutkin socks (first SRH I ever worked) so I'm anticipating good results here. It all comes down to whether or not the yarn will cooperate. Ahem.

Yet none of that matters right now because the Little Pumpkins socks are about to be abandonned yet again in favor of a shiny new project: the newly released Super Cupcake Hat pattern by Bonne Marie Burns (aka chicknits on Ravelry) of Chic Knits fame. I saw this pattern and knew instantly that I should knit this for my boss for Christmas. I'm so committed to this project that I even went as far as to delve into the depths of my stash for some suitable yarn. Okay, so I ran out of time to go to the LYS before I left, but at least I was able to re-purpose a good skein of Cascade 220 since the Michael Kors Boxy Cardigan it was originally intended for is unlikely to materialize any time soon. Now all I have to deal with is a little issue known as gauge. I've had to drop two needle sizes so far. It's likely I'll have to drop down another size, but I won't know for sure until the swatch dries. Great.

ETA: Guess who'll be knitting this hat on US #4s and 5s =( That's three sizes less than what is called for in the pattern!