If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

Various Rants and Ravings

It's horribly humid in Maryland right now. I think that's probably the reason why I didn't sleep well last night. I just feel sticky and gross. Forget about makeup: anything I put on my face will just slide right off. It's not even worth doing anything with the hair: it will either frizz or go completely limp. Such a wonderful day to be a girl.

I went to my friend Kelly's Pampered Chef party last night -- I can never seem to pass up an opportunity to add things to my kitchen. Of course, I wanted everything in the current catalog, so I had to exercise a little restraint -- very hard to do when all the products are so good. I ended up ordering the medium Bar Pan, the large Micro-cooker, the Measure-All Cup, the new Ice Cream Sandwich Maker, and a cookbook. This is all stuff I'll use, so it was worth the money. I still have my eye on the Simple Additions Essential Set, however. Co-worker Martha is having a Pampered Chef party of her own next month, so I might wait to place the order. Plus, I would also qualify for the August Guest Special. It's all good.

I'm strongly considering purchasing a set of the Denise Interchangeable Knitting Needles. It seems to make more sense than purchasing the needles individually. Since I always have to drop a needle size, it would be easier to have a supply of needles on hand. One Ebay seller has the sets for $47.95 (shipping included) so I might decide to go that route. From what I've seen, this is a pretty good price.