If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

I'm Done With Booga Bags...

Well, at least for the time being. My recent preoccupation (okay, obsession) with my Boogas caused me to completely ignore my other project, Sitcom Chic. So...without further ado, here is the final photo of the two bags. I'm pretty pleased with the results:

Progress on Sitcom Chic has been generally good over the last couple of days. Finishing sleeve #2 was definitely the highlight of the weekend, and I'm more than a little relieved the the DPN portion of the project is now over. While it seemed to take less time to knit sleeve #2 than it did to knit sleeve #1, sleeve #2 kept jumping off the needles. It was too horrible to describe. Dropped stitches everywhere. Fortunately, though, this trauma was short lived.

I ended up joining all three pieces late Sunday afternoon. Here's a picture I snapped prior to the join:

All ready to join!
I had no problems joining the pieces, but I'm finding the sweater to be very heavy on the needles. It's like there's too much fabric. I don't think that's the case, but I won't know for sure until I cast off. I'm just worried about the stitches stretching around the armholes because of the weight. For the time being, though, I'm happily knitting away. I'm only rows away from the yoke detailing. After all of the stockinette stitches, yarn overs will definitely make for a nice change.

I decided to treat myself to the Denise needle set -- it beats tearing my hair out later on. The package should arrive sometime this week!