If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

Yokes and Yarns

Have been busily working away on the yoke detail for Sitcom Chic. I absolutely love the way the yarn overs turned out -- it really gives the piece an interesting and sophisticated look.

The slightly raised appearence of the decreases also adds a little bit of character to the sweater. I'm excited to finish this project and start showing it off. Now if it will only fit...

The Denise Needles arrived and I can't wait to start using them. I love the variety of needles, not to mention the flexibility of the cords. The Bates needles -- I know, I went the cheap route! -- I'm using for Sitcom Chic pale in comparison.

Since Sitcom Chic is almost finished, I have been trying to line up materials for some new projects. Looks like the next project is either going to be the Ribby Cardi from Chicknits.com or the Fibonacci Cardigan from Magknits.com -- I seem to be on a roll with cardigans these days. However, don't count out the Marakash Shoulder Bag featured in the latest Yarnmarket.com bulletin. Needless to say I've been stock piling yarn like crazy. I'll just have to see where the mood takes me.