If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

Curiosity Finally Got the Better of Me

Personally, I blame Yarnmarket.com. Had they not featured the Marakesh Shoulder Bag in their July 2005 bulletin, I would be happily knitting my Ribby Cardi. I think it's fair to say that I quickly became obsessed with the idea of creating this bag, and I went ahead and bought the pattern and all of the materials. I'm proud to say that although the pattern leaflet has sat on my desk for the last week I actually managed to exercise some restraint and keep my paws off of it...until last night.

I can't explain why, but the urge just hit me to start knitting it. It was to the point that I actually had the Rowan Cotton Rope in hand and was getting ready to cast on the 58 stitches when tragedy struck. Reading ahead to the instructions for the first row I saw the following notation:

Row 1 (WS): P1, *(K1, yfwd, K1) into next st, P3tog, rep from * to last st, P1.

(K1, yfwd, K1) into next st? What?!!

Well, that complication prompted an emergency posting on the Knitty boards. Fortunately, Ingrid was able to steer me in the right direction, instructing me to knit the stitch without sliding it off then move the yarn to the front (in typical YO fashion) and knit the stitch again. This, of course, makes perfect sense so I'm a little embarrassed that I couldn't figure this out for myself. I guess this proves that the brain can shut down completely after midnight.

With this advice in hand, I have spent a good portion of the morning knitting away at the Marakesh Shoulder Bag -- I've completed 3 inches of the front panel. The pattern is really beginning to take shape, although I did have my doubts initially. A good cast-on method -- I went with the cable cast-on -- is definitely needed here because of the complexity of that first row. The repeated P3tog step is particularly challenging, especially given the thickness of the Rowan Cotton Rope. The yarn also has a tendency to separate, making this a project which requires close attention. Despite my gripes about the yarn, I do like the color. It's called "Limeade", although it's more of a sage green. It should make for a very pretty bag.

My poor Ribby Cardi! Hopefully, I'll be able to pick it up again later on today. I do want to finish the back panel before the end of the weekend.