If at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished. (Jane Seabrook)

Winding Down the Weekend

There's something to be said for piece and quiet. It's nice to hit a lull after what turned out to be a very busy weekend. It's hard to cram two family gatherings into an eighteen hour period, but somehow we managed to pull it off. Quite honestly, I could have done without both of them. Unfortunately, I had very little control over the situations. I ended up just sucking it up and dealing with it, so both events turned out pretty well. I even managed to be pleasant. I do wish, though, that there had been more communication and considerably less inconvenience both to myself and to my husband. It really annoys me to think of just how much certain people get away with and how blind they are to the feelings of others. On a more positive note: I wore my hot pink wrap dress for the first time this weekend and absolutely rocked it!

All of this activity hasn't left too much time for knitting. I now have three -- yes, three -- projects that I'm working on. I guess this is indicative of just how split my focus is right now. No sooner do I start one project than I'm itching to start another. The latest and greatest is the Eros Eyelet Scarf that I saw when I visited my LYS this past Friday. The scarf is made by stranding two kinds of Plymouth yarn, Electra (Color #22) and Eros Glitz (Color #104), to get the lacy effect. As beautiful as the end result is, these yarns are very difficult to work with. If the pattern called for straight knitting, I doubt that I would find any fault with them. However, the pattern calls for a lot of yarn overs and purling two stitches together. Given the ladder-like nature of the Eros Glitz this is quite a challenge. I'm constantly counting stitches to make sure I have the correct number on the needles. It's also hard to tell when I've made a mistake -- I've had to frog this particular piece three times already. This is definitely a project for a more experienced knitter with time on her hands.

How do I get myself into these situations?